Friday, May 30, 2008

Scamming Spammers

I'm tired of being nice; nice to some lady, with her baby stroller, open the door for her and she doesn't even say thanks, instead she thinks I want to bang her or some shit. I'm just tired of it. Just because I top some fat, ugly bartender well, or act nice to someone, doesn't mean I want to fucking bang. What the fuck, seriously.

And now, I get bombarded by emails from people telling me to stop posting stuff on their free online classifieds website. It isn't us. Some company, people, whatever... affiliated with is taking images and text from our website and posting it on every free possible online site they can find. We're a small company, just the owners, husband and wife, and myself. We don't have outside sales people, and we certainly don't have the time to deal with the backlash from this bullshit. What the hell is the matter with people. I figure it was either some jack ass with plenty of money, that wanted free information from us, or thought they had a rare item that should be worth a lot of money, and we told them the truth about, or it is someone that is jealous of all the hard work we've put into our site and they want to sabotage us. Whatever the case, I'm sure the person is a spineless turd, insecure, selfish asshole whos driven by their insecurity and inability to accept reality, instead they've got to mess up someone else's life, in an effort to make themselves feel better.

Whoever it is, why don't you try something: grow a fucking spine and get a life. Like most spammers out there, they're just insecure a holes who want more money so they can buy a bigger SUV to show off, in an effort to make themselves feel better. Self centered losers.

I'll probably get a backlash from spammers and possibly these affiliated people from this, but at least I don't lose sleep at night, worrying about the tiny size of my penis, or that my neighbor has a 14 cylinder mercedes with wipers on the freakin' headlights....